Guess I forgot about Blogging

I've had a very long new year and now it's almost another new year. A lot has happened! Come along for the long haul.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Neck Surgery and Wedding Shower

I came through surgery good. Had high sugar levels and high blood pressure so they kept me in ICU until about 11:30 Monday night. Then they moved me to the floor. My sister Jo stayed with me and kept me save and took care of me. Then she took me home and put me to bed Tuesday at noon. I'm recovering pretty well. I can tell when I over do it.

The shower was really nice for the kids. I truly hope they enjoyed themselves. There were lots of people in and out of the house Sunday. I found me a place to sit and just sat enjoying the comings and goings.

I go to the wound center for the 1st time tomorrow. Sort of scared of the unknown. I pray that it will help with the pain. I hope it isn't painful.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Doctor Rapp-Sugar Man and Neck Surgery Monday 08-03-09

Saw Doctor Rapp this morning. He's going to send order's to my neck surgeon to have me on a drip for my sugar-so that it can be controlled better before, during and after surgery. He's very efficient. I had to ask again how could this happen to a person that has the size file that I have there at LR Diagnostic - I've been going to doctor's up there for 10-13 years looking for help with my health, how could I be this sick at 50 and in so much pain. How could it happen when I was going to what everyone says were good or the best doctors. He said he couldn't answer that question. That I have a chronic auto immune disease and it's been building and building until it finally showed it's self as diabetes and charot's disease. I'm so sick of being sick. I'm so sick of not being able to walk with out pain-a pain score is a 10 when I walk. Now I pray that the neck surgery will take care of the neck and head pain. I need some peace. I miss my life. I miss my mind an my ability to work and do what I want to do when I want to. Chronic pain is horrible.

Friday, July 24, 2009

High Sugar and High Pain Levels

Well today has been a slow painful day. I ate breakfast after my morning shot. 1/2 cup of cheero's and splenda and low fat milk. About 2 hours later I felt bad, as if my sugar was low-I checked it and it was 309. I took my regular 14 units of insulin and an extra 5 units according to my chart. Then at midday I checked before I had another meal (1 corn dog w/mustard) it was 277-took another 14 units plus 4 extra units according to my chart . Then before dinner it was 260 even thoug I've not eatten anything since corn dog. Did another 14 units with a extra 4 units.

Its been low all last week. Now it's high-I'm taking lasixs for the swelling. Guess it's the new drug in my system.

My pain level is at stress level around a +13. Haven't gotten anything done to the house this week. I need a house keeper-but can't afford one since I don't work anymore.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Old Friends

I spent about 2 hours with two girls that I graduated with in 1976. Adrianne Minge Scott and Terrie Daniel Mabry. We had a good time talking about old times getting caught up on things we've forgotten over 33 years. Terrie and Adrianne had not seen each other for over 36 years. Adrianne moved our senior year. Adrianne's family has a reunion here at Lake Catherine State Park every year. She and Jimmy Scott also from Magnet live in MO. out side of Kansas City..
We saw him and Creighton Minge while we were out there today. I'll try and post the photo of us. As Terrie said we have matured. I'd say we have. I look like a chipmunk with those fat cheeks.

I'm paying for my time out today-my foot is really swollen tonight. And hurting, going to break down and take a pain pill. I have to go the neurologist tomorrow in L.R. Really don't know why I need him, any more. Maybe he'll remind me when I see him. I've not seen him for 6 months.

Well, saying my prayers to the heavenly Father that I will be completely healed soon. In his own time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yesterday I started to town, my sugar was to low for a shot. I ate a few crackers and went on. I was so thirsty so I bought a diet mt. dew and continued on my way. With out really know what was happening I got to US Drug and 2 people ask to take me home. When your in a really bad low you don't do what is right and no one can tell that your not really OK unless your dancing naked in the streets. I should have taken them up on the ride. I don't remember the trip home. I could hardly get inside the house my legs weren't working. I laid down and Tom came home early and helped get my sugar up and then let me sleep it off. It's terrible to act like a fool and no one is really the wiser. So if you see me and I don't act right make me get in the car with you and take me home or to the hospital. I'll try and tell you I'm alright-but I'm not.